reserve!Teach you the hard bone of the science book
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reserve!Teach you the hard bone of the science book

How to read a good science book

First Map Lecture · Popular Science Lecture Hall

If there is a book in front of you, do you know how to read?Then if there is a book called “How to Read a Book”, will you read it?

This is a classic readings about reading, reading methods, and reading.arrive“How to read science”However, the author did not give suggestions about reading any science.”In other words, you are a foreigner. You read scientific classics are not to become experts in modern professional fields. On the contrary, you read these books just to understand the history and philosophy of science.”

Astronomical physicist Professor Zhang Shuangnan once said in a report of the theme “What is science”:“I know what is physics, what is chemistry, what is astronomy, and what is creature, but I don’t know what science is.”Maybe for many people, it is often “discipline” in the process of learning, but it is not clear that “what is science”.

Science is a way of lifestyle. With the power of science, we have achieved unprecedented achievements, and at the same time we have shaped our human beings.We need not only science, but also to exercise scientific thinking and cultivate the scientific spirit in social life, because real scientific literacy not only cares about knowledge, but also about your way of thinking.So, how to develop a scientific lifestyle?Where does the scientific thinking and scientific spirit come from?Perhaps science reading is a good choice.

For the public, reading science books is definitely much more difficult than reading other books. On the one hand, science seems to be far away from our lives. Science exists in the “ivory tower”, and many scientific terms are like heaven books. In additionOn the one hand, reading popular science books require a certain amount of pre -knowledge, and sometimes there are “brain burning”. Therefore, because of reading popular science books, the initiative to pay is far more than other books.“To confirm the theme, discover the relationship between the overall and part, to reach a consensus with the author, find the theme and discussion, and can fully understand this book before evaluating or measuring the meaning of the meaning.”A science book appears in front of you. The muscles are wrapped in bones and the clothes are wrapped in the muscles. Only when the phenomenon is removed can the essence be seen, and the muscles can be seen can see the skeleton.

If you think that popular science reading is just to obtain knowledge, it can only be said that your understanding of popular science reading needs to be improved.Because popular science reading is a expansion and improvement on the basis of scientific knowledge, expand our understanding and understanding of the world, and cultivate our logical rational thinking.

Teacher Yin Chuanhong of “Popular Science Times” once said, the scienceLearning reading helps us to “discover the scientific interest”, “exploring the interest of nature”, “satisfying curiosity and curiosity”, “stimulating imagination and rational thinking”, “expanding vision” and so on.For example, we are reading Newton to understand the unity of sports; reading Einstein is understanding the connection between the two objects; reading Darwin is a natural choice for the survival of the adaptor;The origin of the colorful and colorful colors of human society; some works of reading flat grams are understanding how the human behavior of evolution theory is to explain human behavior; reading Tyson’s works on astronomy is to understand the universe phenomenon that uses empirical evidence as a solid foundation;The work of cosmic science is to understand the characteristics of the universe that is considered by scientists to be real but still lacks empirical evidence …

Then the question is here-

How to choose a science book?

how to read?

What do you read?

What is the use of popular science reading?

And how to improve the effect of science reading?

At 14 pm this Saturday, I walked into the Popular Science Lecture Hall with us and listened to the director of the Chinese Popular Science Writers Association.

Activity information


How to read a good science book


June 22, 2024 (Saturday) 14:00


Capital Library (Huawei Bridge) Block A’s lecture hall

(A glass door on the east side of Block A)


Wang Dapeng

Associate Researcher of the Institute of Science Popularization, Director of the Chinese Popular Science Writers Association.Professional areas are: scientific communication theory and practice, scientific communication between social media, scientists and media relations.In recent years, there have been ten various scientific research projects; in mainstream media such as the Chinese Journal of Sciences, Guangming Daily, Science and Technology Daily, and People’s Daily, there are more than 300 review articles. On the, the popular science Times has a column;Ten core journals have been published in various core journals; multiple monographs of translation and publishing popular science research theory (two translations to obtain industry awards), publishing popular science theoretical research monographs “Vision and Gate: 40 Popular Sciences’ Hearts”, “Talking about TalkingScience and Popular Popular Sciences “Out of Circle” and so on.More than a hundred popular science training has been carried out for various scientific and technological workers.


Scientific reading is not only to obtain scientific knowledge, but also an expansion and promotion based on scientific knowledge, expand our understanding and understanding of the world, and cultivate our logical rational thinking.When informatization and digitalization, we should also emphasize the importance of science reading. The high threshold for science science books and requires certain knowledge reserves are recognized. So how do we choose science books and how to read science books.The guest lecturer will combine the experience and thinking of the reading of popular science books to discover the methods and methods of science reading with readers to teach you how to choose a popular science book that suits your children.

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Capital Library China Science Popular Science Writers Association

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